Monday 21 June 2010

Gearing and talent choices for each role

Sorry about not completing the post yesterday. I was feeling rather ill, and had excessive work to do. Anyway here it is.

Flag team

Main flag carrier
Spec for maximum mobility and defence. Offence is secondary.
Gem nearly entirely for resilience and stamina (Yes, this isn't arena, gemming for stamina is allowed as there is a balance between resilience and stamina where there is an optimal level of survivability*)
Here is an example feral build; (If you have any questions about the principles behind it, please ask)

Secondary flag carrier
A standard arena PvP spec would apply here. How they gem should be decided once the team is constructed to see if more survivability is needed or more damage.

Flag healer
Spec for utility and defence. Against a good team you will be primary target after FC

Flag defender
Largely offence here. In fact so much so, that if the healer can cope, a full set of PvE gear would be optimal. 

Kill team
A standard 3v3 comp here. Slightly off-topic; this group has one of the more vital and challenging roles to play. They must be able to fight a turtled defence, and survive due to the long distance from the graveyard. They also have to deal with their opposition always respawning, thus giving them less than 30 seconds to deal with the enemy flag carrier against a competent opposition. 

Liquid/Midfield Team
These players cannot be constrained to a single gearing and talent method. The only advice that I could give before the composition is chosen is that utility is key. These players must be constantly ready to react to orders and control various points of the battlefield as it changes.

Edit; If you are interested, please sign-up on the guild calender.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Sign-ups for WG

I am now recruiting for a regular team of Warsong Gulch. I will need around 15 people, so that there are some reserves.
Please only sign-up if you are going to be able to take it seriously, which means having a high attendance rate, being able to get on with the other members of the team and being prepared.

Required; (not set it stone, as obviously we will have to work with what we can get first and foremost)
Flag team
- Two flag carriers (preference given to feral druids) --> Main flag carrier and secondary flag carrier (secondary flag carrier acts as defender and takes flag if 1st dies or is somehow unable to take the flag)
- A Flag healer (strong preference given to disc priests and resto druids due to mobility)
- Flag defender (Preference for Unholy DK and Frost mages)

 Kill team
- A enemy FC kill team (3 players, two dps and one healer)

Liquid/Midfield Team
- Three players, 2 dps and one healer (Or two healers and one dps if we play defensively). These players need to be very flexible. They will give help where needed. E.g. extra assault power, flag defence, or occupying the opposition team for long periods of time.
I also have a plan for team ranks which I will discuss with our fearless leader and see if he gives the go-ahead.
Tomorrow; Gearing and talent requirements for each major role
Day after; Basic strats


Hello. This is the place holder site for the guild and also going to be where I initially start posting strategies, getting a team together for regular battleground games.

Much love